-pickles but not in the Chris Chan way, they just taste icky -fat on meat. They say it adds flavor but I find it repulsive and insist on only eating the parts with the consistancy of jerky -The smell of peanuts (I'm allergic) and it causes me suffering -Blink-182 purely because of how much the lead singer's voice gives me a headache -This is pretty Nit-picky but I don't like what weirdcore has become. It's been reduced to extremely basic elements like cut and paste eyeballs, edgy text, mushrooms, neon, and the same liminal space image every time. It's become oversaturated and it's lost the special feeling it used to have. Although, my version of weirdcore may be entirely specific to me and people may have an entirely different view on what makes something weirdcore. -Human greed. Everyday I grow more and more disgusted with humanity and it's willingness to destroy and destroy out of hedonism and desire for a life of excess. -Mainstream radio stations make me want to preform a lobotomy on myself. Except for Montero, I like Montero. -freshman